Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Our First Craft Fair

 We've been busy getting ready for our first craft fair these last weeks. It was a lot of work but the girls had fun. We first set up everything in our garage so setting up for the first time went smoothly.

 Emily did the pallet signs and chalkboards.

Don't you just love our little suitcase filled with basket chalkboards? Emily sells these on Etsy too. You can see them here along with her name art.

Julia sold hair accessories. Check out her Etsy shop here.

Their Aunt Dana makes homemade all natural soaps, check out her shop here. Our booth smelled yummy!

 These are one of a kind soap decks, water drains off the soap and into the grooves, plus they're so pretty!

We even had free samples of lip scrub and lip balm.

 I'm so glad we could cover that background up with our signs!


  1. Your booth looks gorgeous! Stopping by from the Twirl and Take a Bow party :)

  2. If I was walking by, I don't think I could resist your merchandise...nicely done!

  3. Wow, this is a great looking craft booth! I hope you sold a lot!

  4. Thanks for sharing at the Twirl & Take a Bow Party! Have a great weekend!
