Thursday, May 2, 2013

Sewing Table Repurposed To Desk

We recently became nominees for the Leibster Award! Our blog is one of eleven to be chosen. Reeves from The Weathered Door nominated us. She's a very young and talented blogger so we're honored that she would include us in the bunch!

With nice weather here I have a hard time finding time to blog because I am constantly doing things outdoors. I don't know if anyone else is like that but being indoors is really hard for me this time of year! Maybe with the hotter weather of summer I won't have that problem.                                            
Today I want to show you an old sewing table that I redid a while back. I bought it without the sewing machine in it, thinking to turn it into a desk. It was a little in rough shape, but it was well made. Here's the before.

   I have wanted to do a piece with a stained top for a while and when I got this desk  thought it would be the perfect candidate for it.

   At first I didn't know if I should re-do it, but the longer it sat in my basement the more I liked it.

 I love that it has a little surprise when you open it! I love chalkboard so I thought this would be a fun addition to it.

 I added a board where the sewing machine was to make a storage for the desk, because without the sewing machine there was a big hole.

 The table didn't come with a chair, so I started looking around for something that would go with it .I found an old chair that needed to be repaired and cleaning up. It fit the price range I had in mind, so I got it. I also gave it a coat of the same stain I used for the top of the desk.

This is after some sanding, I forgot about pictures!

I really like how it turned out! Hope you're inspired to do something too!



  1. What an incredible transformation!!!
    I did a desk ( just a regular one mind you ) with a chalk paint blotter - such a great way to keep notes etc............
    Loving the secret compartments and
    the chair you paired it to also!

  2. Love the way this turned out! Great job.

  3. This is stunning! What an amazing idea. The foldout chalkboard surface? Genius! The finish... everything! I love it.

  4. This turned out so cute! I am a new follower from southern charm! I would love for you to stop by my blog and hopefully you will want to follow me back! Happy weekend, Nicole!

  5. Your desk turned out lovely! The surprise chalkboard feature is such a fun addition too.
    Thanks for sharing,
    Pieced Pastimes
    PS-Would love to have you link this up to Saturday Sparks

  6. Thanks for stopping by, on my way over to share!
