Saturday, February 9, 2013

DIY Valentine's Box

 We love to watch the birds on our porch, while we have breakfast. Lately we have had a lot of cardinals coming to our bird feeder. Yesterday one flew into the window and injured itself. We held it for a little bit until it could fly again, gave it some water since it had some blood around it's mouth and let it go when it was ready. It was a female, the males are a much brighter red.

 I've always wanted to photograph birds up close so I finally got my chance!

 Here she is after she flew on to some grape vines, next to our porch.

  Aren't they such beautiful birds?

Now on to what I want to show you today. Anyone else have to come up with a Valentine's box for your kids? We have three the kids that need to decorate a box  this year. A tissue box is the perfect thing to use. Most years we just used a shoe box, but my aunt gave us the idea of a tissue box, I think it's perfect! We like to use things we already have so we used red wrapping paper (from Christmas) you could use construction paper or card-stock,but I like the shine on wrapping paper. 

 First wrap the box,  cut open the hole with scissors then tape  paper flaps underneath

To decorate we used lace, twine and old newspaper. Super simple!

The great thing is that you can find all the supplies you need laying around your house!

Super cute!

We used hot glue for the whole project, but regular glue would work just as well.

So, that's it! Just another idea for how to decorate an old box for Valentine's Day!


  1. Very cute box! Pinned it!

  2. I am a teacher and think I needed to create one for me this year! That is a great idea.

  3. Cute box! I love that you used newspaper to make hearts!

    Navy Wifey Peters @ Submarine Sunday Link Party

  4. Very cute! I'd love for you to share this or any of your great ideas at the link party going on now (and every Saturday through Tuesday) at 'Or so she says ...' Hope to see you there!

  5. How precious to hold the cardinal! Thanks for linking up to Talkin about Thursday!

  6. I love the bird! That is very special you got to help her. I love the picture of her in your hand. I used to live back east and I miss the Cardinals!!

  7. I love the Cardinals. They just happen to be our state bird, WV. The male cardinal is just as beautiful. I also love the idea of using the recycling the tissue box. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Wow this boxes look amazing.Good work.Get more ideas visit Cosmetic Boxes Australia they also providing customboxes.
