Thursday, February 7, 2013

Easy DIY wall decor

  Anyone have a hard time finding something cute to hang above your girls bed? Maybe we haven't looked  hard enough, or don't want to pay the price, but either way we decided to come up with something that we could do ourselves for one of the girls room. Two girls share this room, one of the girls is six and the other is eleven. The six year old wouldn't care too much about it but the eleven year old is definitely starting to have an opinion!

 Here's what we came up with, everything we used we already had around the house and only took about an hour!

 We first painted painted the room.That's where this all began.It went from a purple/violet to a more neutral beige with an oops paint from Sherwin Williams.They have very good paint and you can't beat their price, one dollar!
When brainstorming on what to hang above the bed we knew it had to be big, because the headboard is quite massive and something small would look ridicules. We had a frame that we bought at a yard sale this fall, which was pretty big and only cost 2$. The color was brown and gold, not the right look for this room, but a little spray paint fixed that quick.

 We considered adding some burlap to the inside, but came up with adding wire instead. We had two different kinds of wire left over from construction on our house in our basement and decided this was the perfect look for our frame. We cut the wire to fit in the frame and painted it white.

 We thought the girls could add their own art work and change it periodically, so we used clothes pins to attach some art work. We didn't have any of their art work right then so we took some letters I had drawn for my Etsy shop, Namely Original.

 So for two bucks, I know for sure we would never have found anything at any store!

We hope we inspire you to use what you already have to create something beautiful!


  1. How cute! My nieces are blessed to have such a creative older sister!

  2. I like that you painted the wire white. great idea. love oops paint!

