Friday, February 22, 2013

Doorway Decor

We thought we would have spring flowers to show you, but we got a little surprise instead. Our temperatures went from fifty degrees to twenty eight and we got 4-5 inches of snow.

I love the Nandina Bush. I have them all the way down my driveway and in the front of the house as well. It is beautiful pretty much all year round. It has a period in spring when the leaves change and it doesn't look so nice, but it's gorgeous the rest of the year. As you can see it stays red all winter long, even in snow and cold weather.

 Sometime before we started our blog I found a popcorn tin on the curbside. It had some tacky pictures of a dairy on it, but I saw some potential because it had a nice shape.

I didn't take a picture of  it so I found a similar one on Google. It was originally on Ebay and sold for $1.04! Maybe that's why someone threw ours away.

 It's a super easy project that anyone can do! I simply spray painted it black, then cut out some stencils for the numbers (on computer paper) and painted them white with acrylic paint.  Sometimes you just need a little inspiration to see potential in the everyday things around you!


  1. It looks great and I love the house numbers on it. I didn't know they were old popcorn tins, I found one almost identical last year for .50 at a yard sale. I painted mine too, to make it look like a naturally rusted milk can. I wondered about this can, thanks for clearing up the mystery!
    Debbie :)

  2. Looks awesome! Great idea on re-purposing your old popcorn tins and for painting it black! Thanks for sharing Adriana!

  3. Cute!! I have a heinous old milk can out back.... love it..gotta GO..I gotta CRAFT!
